春天终于到来了,也带来了许多惊喜,天气更加热了,草树也绿了,难忘的病毒也快消失了。春天给我们带了希望,和快乐,能够在去出交流创造。 这个不寻常的年很快要结束了,春天也来了。今年的春天允许了我们可以打疫苗了,说明我们很快就能回到我们原来的生活,不用一直待在家里,不能出去。很快我们就能跟朋友,同学,老师见面了。很快,就像小小种子在地里,等着春天的到来,闯出土,开成一朵朵美丽的花,给全世界看。 春天也意味着更好的天气,热热的天气加上没有病毒了,就可以去海边玩。我们也可以在下口罩,不用一直带着这些难呼吸的口罩。我们终于可以 ,“生活” 了,不是困在笼子里在看外面的世界。 春天是一个美好的时间,然我们重新开始,这个病毒现在这是历史了,我们可以从这个事件增长新的人。
Spring has finally arrived, and it has brought many surprises. The weather is hotter, the grass and trees are greener, and the unforgettable virus is about to disappear. Spring brings us hope, and happiness, to be able to go out and communicate and create.
This unusual year is coming to an end soon, and spring is here. This spring allows us to be vaccinated, which means that we will soon be able to return to our original life without having to stay at home and not go out. Soon we will be able to meet friends, classmates, teachers. Soon, like little seeds in the ground, waiting for the arrival of spring, they will be unearthed and bloom into beautiful flowers for the world to see.
Spring also means better weather, hot weather plus no virus, so you can go to the beach to play. We can also wear masks without having to wear these hard-to-breath masks all the time. We can finally "live" and not be stuck in a cage watching the outside world.
Spring is a wonderful time to start over, this virus is now history and we can grow new people from this event.