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  • Jakin Chen


说到春天,我首先想到了唐代诗人孟浩然的五言绝句 – 春晓:“春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多少。”这首唐诗惟妙惟肖地描绘出了春天的情景,这也正是我眼中的春天。






Speaking of spring, I first thought of the five-character quatrains of Tang Dynasty poet Meng Haoran – Chunxiao: “You don’t wake up when you sleep in spring, you can hear birds singing everywhere. When the wind and rain come at night, you know how many flowers fall.” This Tang poem vividly depicts the beauty of spring. Scenario, this is exactly the spring in my eyes.

After a long winter, when spring comes, the temperature starts to warm up, the trees bud, whether in the wild or in the park, the grass becomes greener, the flowers are gradually blooming, the birds in the sky are more numerous, and all kinds of animals After hibernation, it gradually wakes up. Spring in my eyes is a season full of life. As Meng Haoran said in his poems, there is a lot of rain in spring, which nourishes the earth, nourishes all things, and provides sufficient moisture for the growth of animals and plants. I believe this is just a part of God's creation of the heavens, the earth, and all things, and I also deeply appreciate how wise and wonderful God's creation is.

My front yard is a small grass. In spring, the grass is full of small yellow flowers. When the flowers bloom and fall, they bear fluffy dandelions. My brother and I like to pick these dandelions and blow them on our lips, and the seeds of the dandelions will flutter in the wind, which is very interesting. Sometimes I think, in this spring season, if I can turn into a dandelion seed, fluttering with the wind, floating over my beautiful home in New York, to feel the birds and flowers there, that feeling must be Fabulous.

My neighbor is a bird-loving family, and there are often two large bottles of bird food in front of their house; birds come to forage in all seasons. In spring, the most birds come; there are all kinds of birds, chirping and chirping, making our environment full of life.

As the saying goes: "The plan of the year lies in the spring". Spring is a season of waste after winter, and a season full of vitality; in my eyes, spring is a season of vitality. I like spring.

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