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El Lugar

Chancie Velasquez

El Lugar

Chancie Velasquez

Se encontraba una blusa roja, como el color de sangre, en su cama. Unos pantalones negros estaban al lado. Sus botas ,que la iban hacer ver como si no le temiera a nada ni a nadie, permanecían en su caja debajo de la cama. El traje básico pero ferroso la iba a ayudar enfrentar el terror que venía en seguida. Ella no quería ir a ese lugar, bueno, aún no quiere ir, pero qué opción tenía? Quería mostrar qué era valiente y qué podía contra el miedo. Iba a demostrar que solo porque era una mujer Latina no se iba a dejar vencer por el miedo. Despertó al día siguiente, con más coraje qué otra cosa, y se vistió. Después, comenzó a maquillarse. Algo sencillo. Se puso el pelo en una cola alta. Lista para su aventura de terror. Salió de su casa y miró hacia atrás por si acaso era la última vez que veía su hogar. El viaje no fue largo y estaba acompañada por unos desconocidos que también iban al mismo destino. Una hora después, llegó al lugar infamoso. No se imaginaba los terrores que la esperaban adentro. Tiro la cabeza para atrás y leyó “The Bronx High School of Science”.


The Place

Chancie Velasquez

A red blouse, like the color of blood, could be found on her bed. A pair of black pants was at its side. Her boots, that would make her look fearless, were in their box underneath her bed. Her outfit, basic but fierce, would help her confront the fear that was to come. She didn't want to go to that place, well, nobody did, but what option did she have? She wanted to show that she was brave and that she could overcome fear. She woke up the following day, with more courage than anything else, and got dressed. She put on makeup, something simple. She put her hair in a high ponytail. She was ready for her daunting adventure. As she left her house, she looked back, as though it was the final time she would lay eyes upon her home. The trip was not long and she was accompanied by several strangers who were headed to the same destination. An hour later, she arrived at the infamous place. No couldn't imagine the terror that awaited her inside. She threw her head back and read, "The Bronx High School of Science."

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