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Poetry in the Style of Catullus


Photo Citation:

Latin: 1. Vale, incommoda. Iam Aquila vivit. 2. Nec te requiret nec te rogabit, invitam. 3. At tu dolebis, cum rogaberis nulla. 4. Molesta, vae te! Quae tibi manet vita? 5. Cui nunc tu efficies curam? Quem nunc non patiris vivere?

6. Cuius gaudiam capissabis nunc? Cuius noctes capissabis nunc? 7. Quo stylo perficieris nunc? Cui videberis difficillima nunc?

8. At tu, Aquila, destinata dormies.


English Translation:

1. Good bye, annoying one. Now Akela lives (on). 2. You will neither be sought nor asked for, unwilling one.

3. Instead you will hurt without being asked for/invited.

4. Troublesome, woe you! What sort of life will remain for you?

5. Who will you cause anxiety now? Who will you not allow to live now? 6. Whose joy will you take/seize now? Whose nights will you steal now? 7. By what pencil will you be completed? To whom will you seem difficult?

8. But you, Akela, resolved will sleep on.

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