Image Citation: https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/portrait-of-multigeneration-chinese-family-relaxing-at-home-tog-picture-id178401275?k=6&m=178401275&s=612x612&w=0&h=tRPujuwx072LsS3210oCYyOqNxkHbZGO7JIetzOQHeA=
There are a lot of reasons I learn Chinese. First, I want to be able to speak with my grandparents, who only speak Chinese, before they become very old. Additionally, I think China is very interesting. Three years ago, I went to China to visit my grandparents. But I could not read Chinese, so I could not fully understand Chinese culture. If I learn Chinese, I can learn more about Chinese culture. Next year, I want to go to Beijing once to learn a little Chinese culture. Most importantly, if I learned Chinese, I could speak Chinese with my mom and dad at home. My Chinese isn't very good yet but I hope that as I keep speaking, my accent will improve. Lastly, because I did not know Chinese before, going to Flushing was hard because I could not fully appreciate the neighborhood. Now that I take Chinese, I am able to take in the food, shopping, and all that happens on the buses that go there.